(un)natural augmentations

(un)natural augmentations lets visitors discover the beauty of lichens
by augmenting them with generative virtual art.

Lichens are a symbiosis between algae and fungi. They can be seen as micro ecosystems of different organisms living together. They can be found on rocks and tree trunks but also on buildings, benches and sidewalks.

With (un)natural augmentations new natural/artificial micro ecosystems are created through a collaboration between lichens, pixels and participating humans. Hereby provoking new perspectives of appreciation and connection with our natural biological environment, even in the urban reality of our daily lives.

The mobile website shows the current database of found lichens near The exhibition space as well as the current status of Carolien and Sabrina’s artistic collaboration.

Made together with Sabrina Verhage 

Presented at Gray Space in the Middle and Cinekid
Pictures by @helenroig and @jetsiemons

Perpetual Beta

From June 4th to July 4th 2021, The Grey Space embarked on a large-scale experiment entitled Perpetual Beta.
In close collaboration with a group of makers and the public, a new form of presentation was explored based on the principles of open source. The result is an exhibition of work-in-progress, where the public were invited to take a look, participate and contribute.


Cinekid Medialab 2021

The MediaLab will take your pupils on an offline media journey of discovery. A journey to experience, to reflect, and to discuss. How do we communicate through word and through image, with worlds and cultures that differ but still are part of the bigger whole? It is one big world made up of all sorts of communities, civilisations and sub-cultures. What is your place in this world? And what media footprint will you leave behind?



We developed a workshop where creatives can design their own augmentations.
Some results:

Interactive Projection mapping

Next to the mobile AR experience, we presented magical animations on real lichens at Cinekid



